Work package 4

Development of a tailor-made train-the-trainer concept for organic inspectors

The curriculum for train-the-trainer courses for risk-oriented organic inspector trainings describes the learning content, objectives and methods for all train-the-trainer developed by the IRM-ORGANIC project.

You can request the complete Train-The-Trainer Curriculum as pdf-file sent by email:

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Training concept

Based on the results of the work packages 2 (analysis of learning contents and methods required for organic inspectors) and work package 3 (Description and analysis of training concepts in private food and feed- certification-systems and in public food and feed control in Austria, Germany, Italy and Poland) a training concept for a train-the-trainer course was developed.

The aim of this train-the-trainer course is to give participants the knowledge on fraud detection and fraud prevention as well as to give participants inspection tools for risk oriented organic inspections. Other focus points of the trainings are basics about the organisation of trainings, communication skills and didactics and training methods.

A part of each training session is the transfer of gained knowledge to organic inspectors with best-practice examples and possible motivation methods to take over the gained knowledge into daily work.

During the training, a variety of different training methods is used so than participants have the possibility to experience them and are inspired to take over these methods in their own trainings.

In between each training session, there are breaks for an open exchange between participants and the possibility for informal learning.

The training concept includes the following topics:

Preparation of inspections
For the preparation of inspections, many different aspects have to be considered. Based on the description of the unit, inspectors have to be enabled to choose the right point of time for the inspection, consider deviations from former inspections and to decide on focus points for the coming inspection.

Risk-oriented inspection methods for on spot checks
Risk-oriented inspection methods for on-spot checks and the systematic approach of their use are broached.
The focus point lays on methods like traceability checks, flow of goods checks, cross checks and the identification of critical points for organic integrity as well as on sampling and analysis.

Documentation of inspection results
The requirements for the documentation of inspection results are presented and practiced. The focus is on the plausibility of the objective evidence.

Participants get to know basics behind communication in inspection situations and a focus on communication in critical situations. Additionally communication techniques and theories are explained and are discussed on daily work examples.

The training concept consists of two parts, an e-learning for the preparation of the face-to-face-training and the Face-to-face-training itself:

The e-learning tool was developed as a preparation for the face-to-face-training. It is meant to ensure that all participants are on the same level of knowledge, which makes the train-the-trainer course more productive and efficient and possible ambiguities are avoided in advance. The timely and local flexibility, the possibility to evaluate results and with the possibility of constant self check make e-learning an interesting preparation tool. The content of the e-learning was oriented on the content of the face-to-face course. The e-learning platform was created in English so it can be used for all control bodies, control authorities and competent authorities in Europe.

Structure of the E-Learning
Participants have to log in in the homepage The Learning content is divided into several training sessions with graphics to visualize the content. At the beginning of each training session the aims of the session and the needed time are mentioned. At the end of each session, questions for self-checks are implemented with answers on the next page. The whole e-learning finishes with a multiple choice test to determine weather the participants are well prepared for the face-to-face-training. The evaluation of the multiple-choice test gives the possibility to see whether there are special deficits in a course which should be focussed during the face-to-face-training.

The face-to-face training is a two-days course for up to 20 participants and at least two trainers. It is arranged to deepen the topics from the e-learning. Each training session has a group work included where problems are solved within an exchange of experience of the group members. The results of each group work are presented during the course and are afterwards uploaded into the e-learning portal.